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To Be And To Be Come: Definitely Two Different Things

When ever I get my time alone, (which is mostly the case)... struck hard by the extract of my boredom, coming to finally wonder whether the world would ever miss me, let alone the world, would anyone come to miss me if I just happen to vanish into the thin air. But then again when the reality comes hitting hard on me that thats not a possibility just to vanish like that but still the world nor a person would miss me even if it happened to be so, I question myself... "What did I want to be? and What have I become?"... Don't you?

You see, think, back in your days you would have definitely would have wanted to be someone else or something else from what you have become, right? For me, I surely remember the times when I used to attend my primary schooling grades that whenever I see and airplane... I would yell to anyone next to me.... "I WILL BE A PILOT SOARING THE SKIES ALL DAY LONG!!!!" But that was hardly the case, as I came to see the those wishes of the person I want to be come to a solid halt when I was pretty much forced to choose a vividly different area of study by my...ummm.. well.... yeah... you guessed right.

And now that I am here sitting in this chair and typing all this down, from all the times in life from where I have come to question myself the same question over and over again... "What did I want to be? and What have I become?" I surely did know the answer of the first question. But I quite couldn't figure out the answer to the last one, all that I know is the answer to that is definitely not the same as to the first one. But I always wondered... why couldn't the answer to both of them be the same? matter of fact? why couldn't it happen? and if things didn't happen the way they did, would I still be this same person? in the same place? or just would it mean or bring about any difference? Would my being the person i wanted "to be" is what I have "become".... bring about any change to the way others think of me?

Questions, Questions and more questions comes up as I think of this, but hehehe! I can't help it. In all these years of my life I have only come to be sure of one definite thing on the issue of To be and to Become, and I got news for anyone who have been saying that its one thing. Here it is... "HEY YO!!! NO IT'S NOT... ITS TWO "VERY" DIFFERENT THINGS!!!!"

First and foremost I think we all have someone who'd miss us and think about us if we are gone, even though it might not be the person who we want to miss us :)

Well i think the second question is almost impossible to answer,because what we become is something thats happening and goign to happen, its a dynamic process coz we keep changing constantly ...

Well, Shanu I do agree to what you say about that there will, always, somehow be someone who would miss us. But then again, I am actually trying to mention of those times where you know, you just get that empty feeling.

And yeah, about the question.. judging by what you think, its seems that you give up to fate. I try not to do that, I'd rather take control of my own life and the way it takes it's different tolls and turns. Which is as to why I come to that particular second question.

But Your Opinion is true as much as well. Thanx

well sure, but I dont think u can take total control of your life, coz there are certain things u cannot do anything about..

Oh and stop being so formal :)

Hehe.. ok shanu I won't be formal. But then again, I did not say that I intend to take "full control" of my life. I am saying to control my life given the exception of those things I cant. But then again, the thoughts come over... can't be helped right?

Well, frankly not archiving anyones childhood dreams is truely tragic and sad. Neither did i or supposly u archived it. Basically its just a fundamantlal reason: carving our choices according to others gratification, so we make wrong choice. And its the case everytime ( bro i get ya ;) heheh ). Anyway, thats way not important. I believe every sec is the point of a new start. Whats the point in frustrating ourselves for not archiving it? The important thing is we live a life completely satisified. We satisfy our desires and wants!. In the future to archive what we need we don't compulse our self, instead indulge in what we want.AND MOST Importantly NOT WHAT OTHERS WANT! :)

Yea Saambe!.. ur perfectly right bro!!! but no harm in putting my such thoughts written down, its as much as in our nature to think of any reason otherwise so.

Exactly bro! Thats the reason why we share our thoughts right.! :)

xactly!.. see now this is what I call mutual understanding

I suppose somethings cant be helped :)

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  • I'm Ahmed Rishwan
  • From Male', Maafannu, Maldives
  • I work and live in Male' the capital city of Maldives. I work in the field of Information Technology. Uh uh... not a book worm, nor a nerd. But just a regular guy living life as it comes. So come by and look in to see what weird thoughts come to me as i do so...
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